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dumbbell lunges

Primary Muscle : Quads

Secondary Muscles : Hamstrings, Glutes

Equipment Needed : Dumbbells

Mechanics Type : Compound

Proper Technique:

Pick up a pair of dumbbells on the floor with your legs (not your back). Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. With a straight back, head and abdominal well, take a big step forward with the right leg and jump towards the floor until your left leg is parallel to the ground. Once you get to the bottom of the main body back with your right foot until you are in a standing position. Perform the same movement with the left leg and continue alternating until you reach muscle failure. 


It is very important to maintain proper form at all times when performing this exercise. Be sure to keep your back straight, head up and abs tight throughout the movement. Also remember to be in complete control of the weights, instead of using the pulse twitching or body.


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