Home » » Hammer Curl

Hammer Curl

Primary Muscle : Biceps

Secondary Muscles : Shoulders, Traps

Equipment Needed : Dumbbells

Mechanics Type : Isolation

Proper Technique:

Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and pick up a pair of dumbbells ground using your legs (not your back). With palms facing in. Curl the dumbbells up to a point. Upon reaching the top of the movement, squeeze your biceps, a short pause, and then return the weight to the starting position. Alternate between arms until muscle failure. This exercise can also be done in curling both arms at the same time, as demonstrated in the video below. 

Make sure to flow naturally by the body swaying a little movement while lifting weights. This will help protect against injury and maximize also stimulate the muscles. It is also important to curl the weights beyond the point where the power will biceps.

Hammer Curl
Hammer Curl


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