Home » » Palms-Up Barbell Wrist Curl Over A Bench

Palms-Up Barbell Wrist Curl Over A Bench

Primary Muscle : Forearms

Secondary Muscles : None

Equipment Needed : Barbell, Weight Bench

Mechanics Type : Isolation

Proper Technique:

Select a bar on the floor and sit on a bench with your feet flat on each side horse. Space your hands about 3 inches away from the bar and let the dolls hanging from the end of the bench, palms upward. Curl the weight toward your body until your forearms are fully bent. A short break at the top, and then lower the weight down as much as possible. Continue until you have reached muscular failure. 


Be sure to use a full range of motion flexing forearms completely and get a full stretch at the bottom of the movement.

Palms-Up Barbell Wrist Curl Over A Bench


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