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v ups exercise

Primary Muscle : Abdominals (core)

Secondary Muscles : Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings

Equipment Needed : Floor Pad

Mechanics Type : Compound

Proper Technique:

This exercise is an excellent base as a combination of the former squats and leg lift. To get to the starting position for this, lie on the floor, your head resting on the floor, legs straight in front of you standing within inches of each other. 

Your arms should be straight overhead, also flat against the ground. To begin at the same time lift your legs in the air toward the ceiling while the upper body to increase the land (such as a sit-up) keep your arms above your head as you try to touch your toes in air.

When you reach the top of the legs and arms can be in the form of an inverted "V". 
Pause for a one count on the top, back to the original position and repeat. Keep your legs as straight as possible as you raise and lower them. Keep your back straight throughout the movement.

v ups exercise


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